BronxNet News Coverage

“The People’s Graffiti Artist” –
How James Top Is Inspiring East New York Through Art
Art can inspire, build, and create bridges. James Top, artist, curator, activist, educator, and author, has used art to bring all three of these principles to the East New York community. Since the 1970s, Top has been known as “The People’s Graffiti Artist,” and for good reason.
He has repeatedly used this medium of art to tell meaningful stories about the African American experience in areas like East New York, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Harlem...
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Graffiti Artist James Top Hits the Galleries
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Mar 1, 2008 · by Dorian Merina
New York, NY —
In 1973, the graffiti throughout New York City was becoming bolder, more vibrant, more daring. It was also the year that James Cade began practicing graffiti in Brooklyn. Soon, he became one of the most recognizable artists in the early days of hip hop art. Now, more than 30 years later, Top opens his first solo show, AFROOLOGY, at the Essex Street Gallery in Manhattan.
James Top on NPR